Wadana renggan is a term used in Javanese manuscript to describe elaborate illuminated frames that acts as textual gateways to mark the beginning, end, and important passages within a manuscript. Wadana from manuscripts patronized by Javanese kratons are especially intricate, with rich colour palette, diverse compositions, and generous amount of gold leaves in deluxe samples.
On a whim, I tried to make a wadana based on some historical decorative arts I came across. Firstly is the lotus relief in the Mantingan Mosque of Jepara, east java. Muhammad Bagus Febriyanto, keeper of the manuscript collection of the Pakualaman Palace, mentioned in passing that image of crocodiles, as found in the Langen Wibawa MS (written around 1864) kept in said palace, might be a suitable match with lotus, both being aquatic in nature. A wadana from Yogyakartan MS Serat Jayalengkara Wulang (written 1803) is also used.

Coloring was done by Yoga Wahyudhi from Boyolali, you can found more of his work on Instagram @Yogawahyudhi
The font used in the mock text of this wadana is Wulang made by me.
One of the manuscript used as reference, Serat Jaya Lengkara Wulang, has been digitized and can be read here
Javanese Wadana

Javanese Wadana
